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Light Body Activation

Advanced Realignments - Remembering You

What is Lightbody?



The Light Body sits in the 5 dimensions, it is your connection to your spiritual Self and connection to your Adam Kadmon, your highest potential.  There are 6 sessions that consist of clearings and activations that open the DNA to accept more Light, accelerate your spiritual growth, and raise your personal vibration.

It also helps the physical body to function better as it clears the body of energetic structures, beings, and programming that keep us asleep in unconsciousness.



We are entering a New territory, and new patterns of awareness are coming in. This is a time when two worlds are bridging, two levels of consciousness are merging where the old patterns are being exposed and a new wave of thinking and being is rapidly penetrating through. We are embodying more and more Light and are able to hold it in our physical bodies.   



When we are born as human beings, we forget who we really are, living in the illusion of separation
and being limited. The truth is we are Divine beings truly having a human experience. By activati
our Lightbody we can fully reconnect to ourselves as Divine Self



Through the process, the pathways are rebuilt and reconnected energetically and consciously to our Higher Self through all dimensions so we can integrate the Higher Light with Grace and Ease and fully expand the God-consciousness.

Your Lightbody is a light pathway to your soul, Higher Self, and Source.  Your Light Body is made up of Light, Sounds, and symbols. Once activated it allows a greater connection to your Higher Self and brings online more of your spiritual gifts and talents and your intuition.



Lightbody Integration work consists of a progression through different phases which in practice usually take six up to 2-hour sessions to complete:

Price £140 per session


One payment of £777

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Price £80 an hour

Multiple Sclerosis + Lupus
Chronic Fatigue + Fybro Myalgia
Hormonal Balancing
Walk in Integration
DNA Surgery
Power Pack
Negative Energy Protection Suit
Energetic Cocoon

If you have worked on yourself for some time and you feel there is more that wants to come through you, but you feel limited, Lightbody activation can help.

This work removes higher-dimensional structures in the energy fields which limit/block you from reconnecting to your Higher Self.

  • It activates dormant parts of your DNA so you eventually turn  into a   being of  Light

  • New pathways and new ways of thinking and psychic openings


  • Heart chakras open to merge with all the other chakras to  create   our  Merkabah (vehicle for Ascension)

  • Clearer thinking, more focus, healing, and a new sense of direction.

  • Increased intuition, powerful shift in consciousness

  • Allows for your smoother ascension process as it upgrades a physical body



If you often experience symptoms that seem to be repeated regardless of taking medication these sessions might help 

  • difficulty breathing

  • numbness/tingling

  • fatigue/waking up tired

  • heartburn/indigestion

  • memory loss/spaciness

  • disorientation/dizziness/shakiness

  • lack of grounding

  • Scattered and being off-balance most of the time?

  • You feel separate from your body and feel that it has a will of its own?

  • difficulty talking/comprehension

  • weird or blurry vision

  • ​​headaches/neck or back pain


As we traveled through our journey of evolution, we were exposed to centuries of conditioning which created a huge separation from spirit. 

This is the time in history when many people are waking up and looking for ways how to reconnect to their souls, pursuing their unique soul journey. 


If you are drawn to this work and it speaks to your heart as truth, you might find these sessions as the next step on your path in search of your way back to you.  



My dog got in on the action during the Realignment of the Body Consciousness process. It was magical, I am highly empathic, reclusive, my connections more galactic than earthbound. I've tried everything, spent a fortune working with peeps in the telesummit world to manage energy, change my operating system. I will be 56 this October 25 and since this process, I am able to be in public, I've come out in my public speaking class, I went to a party last night and I feel great! I am not dipping down into lower frequency's, I don't feel the triggers. I see them, acknowledge them and my new keepers literally assist with my requests as small as shopping for clothes which I lathe, buying groceries, keeping people at bay with disturbing energy, keeping me safe while driving, my care working ...etc. Thank you Somyah Cizova for the path to freedom while being in this world in my body. 


Somyah is my multi dimensional healer-  for almost a decade. The transformations inspired by her peering into past lives helped me to establish a different path, more in keeping with my strong, true essence. If you are willing to do the work, Somyah can help you step into your new life challenges primed for success. Her Lightbody integration brought such an overwhelming calm to myself, I am stepping forward with renewed vigor. Immediately prior, Somyah performed an emergency healing, removing an entity that was holding me back and causing great physical pain.  Somyah’s healing presence is a gift for which I am most grateful. 

Laura Zappia, USA

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