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Personalized Channeled
Higher Dimensional Healing Image 

1 Image  • £35


A personalized channeled image where I connect to your Higher Self and bring in guidance to support your wellbeing. The image includes higher dimensional geometries, light language, and DNA codes and is channeled for your particular issue or general wellbeing.

The healing image represents a pattern of information to create wholeness. A dis-ease whether it is physical or emotional is a broken or misaligned energy pattern.  These healing images can support you with your healing as they represent the pattern of wholeness. It connects you to your original Divine Blueprint, raises your frequency, and clears low-frequency patterns and beliefs that are ready to be reabsorbed back to the Source. 


You can download the image or print it out or put it on your phone and then look at the image several times a day, it will support your healing process.  


The moment I lay down, pick up the beautiful image and start to observe it, it activated my light language song. What a surprise, without any effort it was in the flow. I was in the "Zone" What a beautiful experience. It helps me to bring peace to my life in this present time. Thank you very much.

Kveta J.  Canada

Somyah is the most incredible healer I have had the pleasure of working with. I have trusted her to help my mom and my sister. She works with the celestial realm and is able to see the cause of the problem. One particular time she saw dampness was causing my mom's issue. One week later the bathtub backed up. It was discovered all new plumbing was needed! Her healing diagrams are amazing. She has channeled a few for me. The one that really stands out is the one she did for my dog's chronic ear problem. It is completely healed. 

Susan Rashkin, USA

Higher Dimensional Healing Images
All Images are channeled 
£9.99 each
(For personal use only, not to be reproduced in any form without my permission)


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