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Light Language

Light language is a language of Light, that your soul understands. It is channeled as the frequency of sound and light. It connects you to the unique frequency of healing, abundance, and self-empowerment. 


It bypasses the human logical mind and connects to the higher realms, and dimensions, and to the individual needs of each person, initiating healing, clearing, activation, opening, and alignment to a new vibration of Wholeness.   


It also creates openings for DNA strands for ascension, it holds unique codes, and frequency patterns of information needed for repair and wellness as each cell in our body hold a specific frequency. 


The Light language sounds like gibberish, it carries the vibration of Love, Unity, and Wholeness and it speaks directly to your DNA, it activates it.     


Many people feel nourished, a sense of pure love floating through them, connecting to their essence, remembering who there are.  


Light Language is often not translated word for word, it is an alchemical transmission with many layers that help to open your Heart, build trust and connect you to the Unified Field of Love.

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